If we’re friends on Facebook, then you may have seen that I just quoted my Mom (who recently joined FBland) as saying this: “I am going to blog. The name of my first blog will be everything I have learned from my daughter is from her blogs.”

What’s a girl to do? I figure, I’d better write something flattering to butter her up for any future uncensored blog posts I might write about my behind-the-scenes adventures of fire arts, circus, and other things I get into (it’s okay – she already knew about the drive-by shooting, although my Lady Gaga admiration was news).

So while this particular blog post isn’t about tribal belly dance or performance arts, I still think it’s worth while to share something I’d recently written about my Mom (and this shouldn’t be a shock; I’ve always written poetry). She doesn’t know about it yet (but I guess she will now).

poetry, poem, Mother's Day poetry, Mother's Day poem
What would I do without her?


Mothers are expected to be nurturing, care giving and guiding.
My mom is all of this; but she’s also funny, and will go to any length to make someone else smile.

Mothers are expected to be strong, diplomatic and enlightening.
My mom is all of this; and she’s also a pillar, respectful and audacious all the while.

Mothers are expected to love unconditionally, endlessly and undying.
My mom does all of this; as she has cared for her children and her children’s children through the days.

Mothers are expected to sacrifice, to carry burdens and keep smiling.
My mom does all of this; a woman who deserves this – and more – praise.  ~Cherie Dawn, April 26, 2012

I hope that all the moms I know have a most wonderful Mother’s Day this year, and always. Here’s to you.
Cherie Dawn

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